Title: Bitten

Transformation Artwork March 2015 and earlier NEWEST transformation artwork is here. Bitten (Werewolf Transformation) Here's a very short werewolf metamorphosis from Bitten (season 3, episode 4, 'A Quiet Dog'). The transformation only consists of three shots, but I wanted to feature it because (a) the actor playing the werewolf is super-cute and (b) the CGI of his feet turning into paws is of better-than-average quality. Bitten has received mixed reviews. Metacritic gave the first season a score of 59 out of 100 (based on 8 reviews). In ratings, Bitten averaged 348,000 viewers in its timeslot, making it Space's highest-rated original series of all time. Awards and nominations.

Bitten is a Canadian television series based on the Women of the Otherworld series of books by author Kelley Armstrong. The name was inspired by the first book in the series. The show was produced as an original series for Space, with most filming in Toronto and Cambridge, Ontario. Its third and final season finished in April 2016.

Summary: After an incident that should have killed Kagome, she found herself under Sesshoumaru's care and protection.

Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyasha and Co.

Author's Notes: Because of the encouragement I got, I am posting the first chapter earlier than expected. However, do not expect this every time. I usually update once a week unless I don't have access to the internet or if I encounter some other problems. To those who did not bother to read the reposted prologue, you might get confused because I changed 'waia' into 'garou'. Someone suggested that the term would better suit the new creatures than the other one. Thank you again, juusan'ya! Also, I want to thank everybody who found the time to review my work. Please continue to read and review this one. Your feedbacks greatly inspire me to write more. Thank you.

Garou in this story is not actually werewolves per se but they are my inspiration. Read on to find out what exactly they are. Hahaha!

Chapter 1: Transformation

Sesshoumaru saw Tachi stumble back to the castle grounds. There were bandages on him and he could smell the scent of Inuyasha's miko on the Garou. Whatever happened to him, the miko had attended to his wounds. Now, he wants to know what happened to the Garou.

The demon lord strode purposefully towards the quarters of the Garou. He found Sachi, Tachi's younger sister, nuzzling his wounded brother while the other pack members stood in a circle around their leader. Sesshoumaru knew that the wound was almost healed by now. The two had stood and bowed deferentially at him when he entered the quarters. The other Garou had done the same. He looked towards the horizon and waited until the first rays of the sun finally came out.

A white glow enveloped the Garou before they changed into their human form. Sesshoumaru remained unaffected as he looked at the naked bodies of both male and female. They were all used to seeing each other that way.

He inclined his head, waiting for the explanation. Though Garou are capable of defending themselves alone, Sesshoumaru had explicitly told them not to go off alone. They should hunt in packs or at least a group of three. They were strong and fast but their kind is very rare that they are hunted down for their healing abilities.

'I sensed an intruder, Sesshoumaru-sama,' Tachi said, his head bowed. 'I had thought best to investigate alone when I sensed the shikon fragments. It was Naraku, my lord.'

Sesshoumaru's face remained stoic but his inner youkai wanted to go out and find the insolent hanyou. The hanyou had dared trespass in his lands and was even bold enough to attack one of the Garou.

'And I also found Inuyasha and his companions,' Tachi continued. 'It was the miko who had cared for my wounds.'

'Hn,' Sesshoumaru said noncommittally. 'No Garou is allowed to go out of the castle grounds.' He turned away and walked back to the castle. It would simply not do for Naraku to catch one of the Garou. As it is, they are too few already. Also, Garou strength could greatly boost the hanyou's power.

Sesshoumaru also knew that there was something Tachi was keeping from him. He looked thoughtfully at the horizon. Whatever it is he was not saying, Sesshoumaru knew that the Garou would eventually tell him. He would just have to wait until he was ready.


She heard it even before she felt the shard. Kagome readied her bow and waited patiently as a boar youkai came charging their way. With a steady and precise aim, she released her arrow. The purifying arrow struck the youkai between the eyes. It gave a final shriek of pain before it was purified completely.

Everyone stood stock still at the events. Everything happened so fast that nobody reacted to the unusual event.

'That was a great shot, Kagome,' Sango finally praised.

Kagome was shocked herself. Her aim was never that good before. She was too clumsy and nervous to make a shot as accurate as that one and yet she had done it. The fact that she heard it first before she felt the shard was also unusual but she decided not to mention that little fact.

'Oi,' Inuyasha said from above the tree, his Tessaiga back in its sheath. 'When did you learn to aim so well? The boar youkai was still too far away for you to even determine its weakness.'

'And your reflexes were quicker also, Lady Kagome,' Miroku said with awe.

Kagome shrugged. 'I don't know,' she said truthfully. 'It was just a lucky shot.'

Inuyasha snorted. 'That's very likely,' he said. 'Now, let's get back to work. We have more shards to collect.'

'We have one shard, we might as well take a break,' Kagome said calmly despite the hurt she was feeling at Inuyasha's lack of faith in her abilities.

'Just because you got one lucky shot does not give you the authority to decide what to do,' Inuyasha said angrily.

Kagome felt a rage build inside her. He had gone far enough. 'Then I would gladly use the authority that Kaede-baba had given me,' she said. 'OSUWARI! OSUWARI! OSUWARI!'

A crater formed where Inuyasha was standing. 'That must have hurt,' Shippou said as he looked at the hanyou who was trying to pull his face away from the ground. 'And the spell seemed stronger, too. Kagome sure is angry.'

'We will rest,' Kagome said haughtily. 'Even if I have to keep you face flat on the ground for the whole afternoon.'

There was a grumbling from the crater as the others began to prepare their food.


Tachi sat quietly near the riverbank inside the castle grounds. He did not want to risk angering Sesshoumaru a second time by disobeying him. It had been a week since the incident with the hanyou and the miko. His conscience would not let him sleep peacefully. The events of that night came back to him over and over again. He wanted to see the miko but Sesshoumaru's orders would mean punishment for him and the others if he disobeyed. Still, he could not just let the miko alone. There was still three weeks left before the next full moon. He just hoped that Sesshoumaru would then let them get out of the castle grounds.

'What's bothering you, Tachi?' a female asked from behind him. He did not have to turn around to see who it was. 'The others are worried about you, onii-chan. Ever since the night that you came back wounded, you have been disturbed.'

He sighed and finally turned to his sister. She had long raven black hair that fell to her ankles. She was slender and yet curvaceous just like all females of their kind. Her skin was pale and her eyes were grey. Her beautiful face mirrored her concern for him. He looked at his reflection on the surface of the water. They looked so alike except that his face looked stronger and while she was soft and curvy, he was lean and muscled, much like Sesshoumaru.

'I have done something unforgivable,' he finally admitted to his sister. 'I had accidentally bitten a miko.'

Sachi gasped. 'You know it's forbidden to kill a miko!' she exclaimed.

'I didn't kill her, at least not yet,' he said. 'After the fight with Naraku, I was in a rage. I didn't know what I was doing until I had sunk my fangs and tasted her blood. What disturbed me more is that she is the protector of the shikon no tama.'

'That is quite a problem, Tachi,' she said quietly. 'We are part human. Hurting an innocent human is forbidden in our laws. What is more disturbing is the fact that you have bitten a creature with a pure soul. That makes it even more complicated. Was she poisoned?'

Tachi shook his head. 'I am not sure,' he said sadly. 'When I awoke, she was gone. That's why I want to get out and see her. She had cared for me despite what I did to her. I just want to know if she's all right.'

'Yes,' Sachi said with determination. 'We must make sure she's all right. Garou victims always end up dead.'

'Let's hope she will survive,' Tachi said sincerely.

'If she was poisoned,' Sachi said hesitantly, not wanting to contemplate what would happen. 'She would die by the next full moon. If she survives, then we should try and make amends for what you did. Let's hope she is as strong as what the others say.'


Kagome went to the river as she felt the burning fever. She must not tell anyone. They would worry about her and would hinder their shard hunting. Every night since the white dog had bitten her, Kagome had been burning with fever. She didn't fuss about it since the fever would be gone at the first light of dawn like it had never happened. She removed her clothing and went in the cool water to alleviate the heat.

She was too busy with the fever to notice that she could clearly see despite the darkness. Kagome was about to get out of the water when she saw Sango watching her critically from the riverbank.

Bitten tv show

'I'm worried about you, Kagome,' she said seriously. 'Your complexion is paler and I noticed that you slipped from camp every night. If you're feeling ill, then you should go home and rest. We would deal with Inuyasha. Seal the well so that Inuyasha wouldn't be able to follow you.'

Kagome smiled gratefully to her friend. 'Actually, I've been having a fever every night,' she confessed. 'It's just that Inuyasha had been really hot-tempered lately.'

'He's always hot-tempered,' Sango said with a snort. 'Now, go. Kirara will take you to the well. I'll inform the others when they wake up.'

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She nodded and put on her clothes. Kagome gave Sango a quick hug before going on Kirara's back. She waved at her friend and looked forward to a long rest ahead of her.


Tachi looked at the moon. There were a few more days left. He looked at the bandage and couldn't help but feel the guilt creeping inside him. He could still taste her sweet blood in his mouth and he could feel her gentle hands caring for his wounds. Her refreshing scent haunted him. He couldn't let anything happen to her. He would have to find her, one way or another.

'We will find a way, brother,' Sachi said from behind him, her hand rested comfortingly on his arm. 'I know you care about her. I can see it in your eyes. This is more than just guilt.'

'I need to get out of the castle grounds,' Tachi said desperately. 'I need to know if she's all right.'

Sachi sighed. 'You know we can't disobey Lord Sesshoumaru,' she said. 'We would just have to wait until he gives us his permission.'

Tachi glanced at the bandage and felt the helplessness creeping at him. He felt Sachi pat his shoulder before she returned to the pack. He could not shake the thoughts of the miko from his mind. Kami, let her live.


Meanwhile at the other side of the well, Kagome is experiencing changes that confused her. She noticed that her breasts had become larger, her hips rounder, her waist smaller and her limbs more slender and shapely.

The fever spells had finally come to an end and she was now standing in front of her full-length mirror after taking a bath. She had taken one look at herself and knew she had undergone some kind of transformation. She looked almost the same at first glance but she knew her body so well to notice the small differences. She went closer to the mirror and studied herself. Her skin was still pale but not the sickly kind of pale. The dark blue of her eyes became icy blue in color. Her hair had become longer and wavier.

The physical changes came after the changes in her senses and reflexes. Silently, Kagome pondered this. She had noticed her senses became sharper even before she came back from the feudal era. Walking through her closet, she put on her uniform. Maybe she'll get her answer when she gets back to the Sengoku Jidai. Inuyasha would be furious with her. As Sango advised, she had sealed the well with an arrow once she got back. It had been almost a week since her return to her own time.

She was in the middle of putting on her skirt when she noticed that her rounder hips would make the short skirt even shorter on her. Kagome tried on the top of her uniform and realized with dismay that her larger breasts caused the top to go up. Without second thoughts, she discarded her uniform and instead put on denim shorts that showed off her long legs and a simple shirt. She packed her yellow bag, opting to bring shorts and shirts instead of her usual uniform. She put on sneakers and placed the other things that she usually brought with her. With everything set, Kagome went down to say goodbye to her family.

'I'll be going back to the Sengoku Jidai today,' she said as she came at the end of the stairs.

Mrs. Higurashi came out from the kitchen, wiping her hands on the towel. 'Are you sure you're already feeling fine?' she asked worriedly.

Kagome went to her mother and kissed her cheek. She had put on a pair of sunglasses to hide her eyes. 'I'm sure, mom,' she said. She went to her brother and ruffled his hair before kissing Jii-chan.

'Something seemed different about you,' Jii-chan said speculatively. 'I just can't pinpoint it.'

She laughed nervously. 'I'll get going now,' she said.

'Well, the sun is almost down,' her mother said. 'It will be dark soon.'

Bitten Tf

'All the more reason to go, Mom,' she said. 'Inuyasha would now be furious.'

Bitten Werewolf Tf

'Let her go, Mom,' Souta piped in as he continued playing video games. 'She'd been restless since she got back.'

Mrs. Higurashi smiled. 'Just be careful, Kagome,' she said.

Bitten Full Episodes

'I will, Mom,' Kagome said and ran to the well-house.


Kagome climbed up the well-house with considerable ease. She noticed that the heavy backpack seemed weightless to her now. Moreover, her climb up the bone-eater's well was faster and easier.

She walked faster and was almost to the village when the full moon began to ascend the purple sky. She never could really resist looking up at the full moon. That was when she felt it. Pain wracked her body. She fell on her knees and wrapped her arms around her body. It was as if her body was being torn into pieces. With one last shriek, Kagome collapsed.


Tachi felt something inside him tear as he changed into his dog form as soon as the moon ascended the night sky. Instinctively, he knew it was the miko. He looked at Sesshoumaru who was looking at them. The lord had still not given them his permission but he knew he could not just let the miko die. He bowed his head to his master before giving a long drawn howl of agony before taking off into the night.

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He knew Sesshoumaru understood that he meant to disobey him the moment he bowed his head. He saw how the demon lord's face hardened but he knew he would never forgive himself if he did not at least do something for the miko. His howl was his way of showing his regret and his apology for what he had done and what he was going to do. He was already across the forest when he realized that he was not running alone. The whole pack had gone with him. Tachi knew that they had all noticed his withdrawn behavior and this was their way of showing their support.

They howled as one and ran. He allowed his instincts to guide him. He knew where the miko who had cared for him is.

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End chapter